Using Social Media to Your Advantage With David Cross of Oracle

Using Social Media to Your Advantage With David Cross of Oracle

David Cross’ advice for breaking into cybersecurity? Strategic use of gift cards. Get details on his networking through social media ideas in this episode. David transitioned out of the military into the world of high tech, where he has held numerous cybersecurity leadership roles. This episode is filled with practical tips and advice on demonstrating your skills to prospective employers, deciding what type of company to work for, transitioning military skills to the corporate world, networking, and more.

David Cross is the Senior Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of Oracle SaaS Cloud. Previously, he held senior leadership positions at numerous companies, including Google and Microsoft. David also served in the US Navy from 1991 to 1996.

David Cross on LinkedIn:☢️-david-b-cross-b856657  

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