How to Stand Out as an Entry Level Candidate With Neil Weitzel of ThreatX

How to Stand Out as an Entry Level Candidate With Neil Weitzel of ThreatX

What are hiring managers looking for in entry level cybersecurity candidates? Get it straight from a hiring manager in this episode. Gene recently sat down with his colleague Neil Weitzel, ThreatX SOC Manager, to get his thoughts on hiring for the SOC. This episode is filled with lots of great advice on getting your foot in the cybersecurity door.
Neil is currently ThreatX’s SOC manager and has 15 years of experience in roles from user support to leading security programs. He has expertise in security architecture and cybersecurity best practices and is an active member of the security community. He has delivered lectures at DEF CON, OWASP, and local security meetups. Neil also acts as an adjunct lecturer on Software Engineering at Indiana University.

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