From the Front Lines in Iraq to the Boardroom With Alfredo Hickman of Obsidian Security

From the Front Lines in Iraq to the Boardroom With Alfredo Hickman of Obsidian Security

Alfredo Hickman fought the war on terror in the early 2000s in the Marine Corps infantry in Iraq. He shares some intense stories from his military experiences overseas with Gene, as well as how he transitioned from the front lines to a cybersecurity executive. Alfredo is passionate about helping veterans and giving back, and this episode is valuable for anyone looking to enter this industry, military or not. He shares details about his life and journey, his thoughts on cybersecurity trends in 2023, how the SANS Institute has been a resource for him and can be for others, his thoughts on mentoring, and more.

Alfredo Hickman is Head of Information Security at Obsidian Security. He previously held security leadership positions at Rackspace. Alfredo served in the US Marine Corps from 2003 to 2011.
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